I am excited! My internship is beyond awesome. See, the woman who supervises me is always thinking of me- knowing what I want to go into!
Today she approached me with the possibility of working with the head of manuscripts. She explained that they had to lay off his assistant a year ago and there are PILES of manuscripts that need to be organized and boxed. She asked if I would like to dedicate one of my afternoons each week to helping do that. Since I want to ultimately work with archives, this would be great experience. Sure, it sounds awful intimidating (piling up for a YEAR?!), but of course I jumped at the chance.
Then she says with a sly smile, that she did of course have ulterior motives. Since this guy is a big shot in the archives scene, if i do more projects with him I can use him as a reference- and people will definitely sit up and take notice. Oh I was overjoyed. I wanted to be like thankyouthankyouthankyousomuch! YOUARETHEBEST. But of course, I politely thanked her for thinking of me in a more professional manner.
Then she asked what I was doing for the summer. I said nothing, but I'd heard there were some jobs around for the summer. And she emailed the guy I would be working with to ask him about summer jobs.
He said there would probably be some cataloguing positions and data entry jobs. And that I should send a note to the man in charge of hiring. "Note" translating into resume and cover letter of course! (omg my first professional application of my post graduate life!) And the woman in charge promised me I'd get glowing references from everyone in acquisitions of course!
I am hoping to do some work cataloging since it's more pertinent to experience I'll need. But dude, paid summer job! At a reputable research library! More experience, more references, more knowledge, and PAY!
I am all hyped up and nervous! I also don't know how to mention that I don't know when I will be leaving for whichever gradschool I am going to. I need to ask around on if i should bring that up now, later, and how and where.
I am just bouncing with gratefulness. She also mentioned teaching me a few important things to know just for the sake of teaching me- which is super nice! These people are really great! So that's so very nice news. I think I need to calm down some before starting my cover letter. I know it's just a summer job- but hey- it's a GOOD summer job!
=D Hope I get it!