Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Hello all,

Time for an update in the life of Amy.

I have a summer job. Not ANY summer job, but a full time, PAID summer job at...*drum roll*

The American Antiquarian Society.

Even though I couldn't give them a definite end date since I don't know about grad school yet, I gave an estimate and promised more concrete details further on. I was so nervous applying, even though it's a summer position for college students, it's still a fairly competitive position and carries plenty of weight on a resume. It's pertinent experience at a reputable research library that's nationally recognized! So of course I still needed to send my resume and a cover letter and I was SO NERVOUS.

The assistant who I work with now said upon graduating college she got a job in special collections somewhere even though she wasn't exactly what they were looking for- they told her that already having hands on experience at the American Antiquarian Society had put her over the other applicants so she got the position!

The man who I emailed said they were planning two projects and he wasn't sure which they'd have me working on yet (he said they'd decided based on which had greater interest to ME when they got more details. How nice is that?!) but he ended the email with "Congratulations-you have a summer job!" so I'm guessing it's pretty solid.

I'm excited to be actively working in my field this summer. I'm so glad to be using all my time productively to get experience at every chance and not have to waste time at a summer job at the mall! It's so great that I'm being productive and giving myself an edge AS I get my degree that will hopefully make it easier to get a job when I get out of school (degree+plus experience seems to be a winning combo).

I'm so excited. I LOVE the people at the AAS, and it's an amazing place. If you ever have a chance, check out the website- it's incredibly impressive!! They have fellows doing work there from all over the country!

Furthermore, having a full time job will allow me to put away money for supplies I'll need for grad school- like miscellenous furniture, books, professional wardrobe. I will be able to get myself all set up!

Here's hoping more good news is soon to follow!