So, I haven’t updated in a long time. Just FYI, I’m still out here, plugging along, with my archival graduate student-y self.
As of right now, this very instant, the countdown to Real Life is as follows:
Approx. 4 weeks until the end of my second semester (April 28)
Approx. 4 months until I get my masters degree (July 28)
So, the future is looming (Let me emphasize on that word choice:
LOOMING). And as such I have been faced with some major life questions as my classmates scramble to apply to as many jobs as possible and gain employment as soon after graduation as humanly possible. Already, schoolwork is taking a backseat to the job search for many. Today a friend remarked I seemed like the type of person to move into my own place with a job right after graduation, making it seem like anything less would be surprising, perhaps even a let-down.
Well, applying to every job I might remotely qualify for and placing enormous amounts of pressure on myself to secure something for the sake of my pride just doesn’t seem like a wise, well thought out, reasoned life choice. Never mind how to balance an intense job search with full course load and multiple internships. It seems like something to be done out of necessity, not by preference. I would much rather assess my skills, my academic interests and my ultimate career goals and which job would help me eventually move into a more ideal job. I don’t have to be hugely picky, but I do have to consider what first job will allow me to ultimately do what I want later on down the road. I want to my foot in the door- but I have to make sure I’m getting it in the right door.
Ideally, I want to work in academia- in college and university archives. This is a lofty goal for a fresh graduate- so, true, it might not happen with my first job, but I do want to get on a path that might more easily allow for the jump rather than getting off track by jumping into a job out of a panic that isn’t going to make me happy or get me where I want to go. What I’m getting at is everyone around me is mostly fueled by paranoia, huge debt and a mild panic that gives them the mindset of ‘I’ll take what I can get’
Well. Upon thinking on my own position I have realized:
1) The archival field in Pittsburgh is not a big enough job market to allow me to easily advance, and there are almost no full time jobs. I’m moving home to better take advantage of a better job market: more opportunities, more chances to move from job to job, more academic institutions. Thus, In September: back to New England I go!
2) I will regularly check job postings prior to finishing the program to make sure I don’t miss any great opportunities, but I’m going to try to avoid applying like a madwoman to every new posting and wait until I move home to concentrate my energies on putting forth stronger, more well thought out applications.
3) I want to see if having such a short program means interning for six more months while applying/searching to help me qualify for jobs without having to stretch my applications, and get gain me more networking in the New England area- ultimately making the job search easier than just rushing to get a job as soon as I move back.
4) …actually regardless of the above I’ll try to get a part time or intern position while I job search. Can’t be a couch potato!
Talking to working archivists it seems that some of them had to search for around a year for full-time work. Asking around has forced me to have more realistic expectations and forgive myself for potentially not having employment right after graduation.
This is easier said than done. Especially when I’m back at home wallowing in insecurities. Despite my attempts to be practical and level headed, part of me wants to jump in the job search in the manner my peers have so that I won’t look inferior or lazy if they are employed and I’m not when graduation rolls around.
Right now I’m trying to focus on finishing the program and thinking about how to network once I do graduate.
The news now is: I’m considering going to the biggest professional conference in our field in August- it’s a week-long conference in Chicago and is for the professional association the Society of American Archivists (I’m a member!)– the major professional group in our field. It’ll be a big investment (a week in Chicago!) so I’m waiting to see how much networking is built into the conference. The student group I’m part of submitted to present a poster of our work so going would allow me to do that and make connections using that professional presentation of my involvement during grad school in that- which might make it more likely I’ll go.
Oh, I also applied to a small scholarship due April 1, it's a stretch but I applied regardless because I'm an optimistic go-getter like that.
So that’s where I stand in major life decisions. And why you all need to tell me its okay to be jobless…for a little while.