I say this because I had a similar reaction when faced with the trials of parking in Cambridge, midday. I mean, I was pretty sure it was going to destroy my sanity and/or bank account. Sound familiar?
I think, perhaps, just maybe I was a bit over-dramatic.
However, I have now become an expert at searching out textbooks online. Perhaps insanely unnecessary distress does have it's upsides, albeit small upsides, but nonetheless...
Unfortunately, some textbooks are just outrageously expensive. And because these seem to be mysteriously rare (more like specialized) when they do come up used, the USED prices are all above the list price.
ONe title, for example is: Selecting and Appraising Archives and Manuscripts.
I'm guessing even as a textbook, it's not widely in use. Because not only am I in a library science masters program, but a specialized Archival track. Which not every LIS Masters program offers.
At first that stressed me out a lot.
Then I realized that I would just buy them for less new at the university bookstore, which has the list of books in stock and prices.
It came as such a shock that I would be able to get certain books for less NEW at the bookstore. No shipping and no inflation due to demand.
It boggles my mind. Sure, there are still sever $65.00 textbooks but that sure beats say, something like $87.00 for a used one.
So, I have calmed down thanks to the shifting of the moon/tides/passing of days.
Let's hope mother nature has pity on me the next time around and eases up on the emotional roller coaster.
In unrelated news, I have few pictures from recent shoots that I am pretty proud of (click for the full size photo):
Someone said I look exotic in this one. The idea that *anyone* could see me as exotic was strange but delightful.

This was a really cool shoot in that I was allowed to use someone's 1955 Thunderbird Convertible.

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