So let's get everyone up to date:
July 31, 2011: Successfully graduated graduate school with a Master's Degree in Library Science with a specialization in Archives, Preservation and Records Management (don't poke too hard at that last one, I was never crazy about it). Like most of my class, I was groomed by the recession to think I'd end up working in a mall, staggering under student loan debt, unable to get a job in my field. Trust me, my class in grad school was pretty much a collective Debbie Downer. So while this was a lovely achievement I was also terrified of the future.
Let me reiterate: terrified.
September 1, 2012: Move back home. Am not in complete and utter despair yet- hooray for holding it together! Apply to jobs. Enjoy having Dad paying for groceries again (I hope I get points for honesty here).
September 26-30, 2011: Have Skype interview for a job in my field. Get job in my field. Take job in my field with almost insane relief and celebratory giddiness.
October: Make plans to move across the country to Tucson Arizona without ever having so much as set foot in the entire western half of the U.S. Hooray for riding off into the sunset! Literally. And moving into a house with a roommate sight unseen. It all worked out brilliantly, by the way. I count myself as very lucky.
October 30, 2011: Begin a five day drive across country to start working as a contractor for the National Park Service, which unfortunately involves no frolicking outside whatsoever. Though I do eat lunch at a picnic table under a tree every day.
November 5, 2011: Meet Andy. And this, my friends, is important.
Okay. So it's been 9 months since that last part. And what have I been doing in my shiny, new life as a gainfully employed adult? Well, I think it's time for another list (woooo!).
1) Being really, really, really happy with Andy. We now live together. I'm as happy as a clam in his cozy house with his two cats. It's now home. I hung chimes outside the front door, hung photos of New England fall and winter (that I took) on the walls, mastered the art of having a garbage disposal for the first time and have settled myself in quite nicely. My next project is to slowly transform his courtyard into a little cozy place of happy.
We live right never a river-walk where I bike every day. We have a garage (which actually only holds half of the vehicles we own between us) and we live right around the corner from a nice plaza. There's a pool in his subdivision. We have a gorgeous view of the mountains. We don't fight, we split chores. We're happy.
Oh, here is one of Andy's gorgeous kitties:
2) Volunteering- I used to volunteer with a wildlife rescue. This involved handling a lot of birds of prey. It was unlike anything I had gotten to do before. Since I've moved I'm working on volunteering with the Humane Society. It's a five minute drive down the road. Which is awesome. I'm hoping to get my dog fix through dog walking and work lots of special events speaking with the public and helping with adoptions.
3) Hiking in the mountains. Andy and I do this together. Its breathtaking each and every time. I dont know if I'll ever be able to leave the mountains. We just don't get mountains like this on the East coast. Here's the view from one of our hikes:
And another view:
4) I've shot a gun. This wasn't something I set out to do, but Andy is a police officer and is well versed in shooting, responsibly of course. However, outside of his job he also enjoys the skill it takes. He doesn't hunt, he just shoots for the challenge of mastering the skill. And trust me- there is a lot (and I mean an exhausting amount) to learn about how to responsibly handle and aim a gun. And there are so many kinds. A massive shotgun is nothing like a hand gun. And before you even hold one you should now the basic safety rules, the parts and the theory of aiming, using the safety and holding the gun properly. I've learned to have a lot of respect for those who handle guns responsibly. It's a big commitment to master it safely. Andy has taken me shooting a few times and I think it would take me years to ever be skilled at it. It takes hours of practice to be skilled like Police Officers are. I never really thought much about guns (why would I?) but it was an unexpected discovery to get to learn about them. Here's a picture of me shooting, under the supervision of both Andy and another Police Officer and his brother who is experienced with guns.
I actually don't handle large guns like that well and much prefer the holstered one (did you notice that there?)
Note my spiffy safety gear. Those ear muffs are stylin', STYLIN' I say! |
Where I nom:
7) I bought my very first car. It's a less than practical car, I have to admit. But gosh it's beautiful and lovely to be in. I have to say Andy being a car fanatic might have rubbed off on me. I am not sure I would have went for an Audi a year ago but I don't regret it. So far, a month into ownership (and a battle with the dealership over warranty) later, I'm still happy with it. It's a nice opposite match to Andy's black Mustang!
![]() |
Her name is Isabella. Izzy for short. |
Andy is too cool to name his cars. Poor identity-less car. |
8) I've added to the tattoo collection. This is going to be a full half sleeve when I complete it this Saturday. It's a tree and will have all four seasons passing around my arm (hence the autumn colors) in the tree. It symbolizes accepting change and the next phase of life. I got it because moving here and embracing something new and letting go of the last phase of my life (as a student) was both scary and the best thing to ever happen to me. I'm excited for what changes lie ahead and accepting that life goes through seasons and it's better to embrace and enjoy them than resist them and long for the past. I feel it's important to symbolize the life lessons through art and I chose to do so on my body. I love each and every one of my tattoos because I could tell my life story through them. And each has such deep and significant meaning to me. It's been six years since I started getting tattoos and I'd never go back. It's also fun that people go months and and months knowing me and never see them. And then they are fascinated that I have them and most people are impressed with the artwork.
Anyway, those are the big things. I can usually be found reading, writing (I'm writing a lot more these days), riding my bike, having dinner with Andy's family once a week (they are WONDERFUL), hiking, working, and generally enjoying life. I'm incredibly lucky that I have a good job, friends, hobbies and an amazing home and boyfriend.
I'm looking forward to fall and winter especially. I have a wedding to look forward to (my very first!), a trip to AZ from my Dad and a trip home for Christmas. I haven't touched ANY of my vacation time yet- I've been saving it up and boy am I dying to use it!
Well hopefully it wont be another year until I get to this again!
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