Rome, Jerusalem and... PITTSBURGH, PA!
Okay, so it's *slightly* anti-climactic, but I will be having my very first apartment, living on my own, navigating a new city, and really who wouldn't want to follow those adventures?
I *will* be making them into epic adventures. Do not doubt this.
Besides, I have to cook for myself- that's a catastrophe waiting to happen.
Or I might just cause a boost in the cereal industry.
Either way, time to update on LIFE.
Graduation is May 28th, 2010. I'm a bit bummed because it's stupidly on a Friday on MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND. Really, Holy Cross is arrogant, thinking everyone and their Mom can take off work for lil ol' me.
So I felt uncomfortable asking people to come and made almost no announcement about it, nonetheless my father and a very good family friend and her son are attending out of sheer love. I am sure others would love to attend out of sheer love too. So. Ten AM at Fitton field if the weather is nice for 2-3 hours o' boring name calling and a commencement speaker whose name I can't remember. See, guests are unlimited if they hold it at the football field. And so far so good on that note. Oh, and there's a BBQ afterward. My last chance to prance around in my cap and gown before I have to return it.
I *know* I should be more excited about this. Really. I just don't know how to make a big deal about myself! Darn this modest soul I have (ha!).
Also, I have completed my first week at my new job, as an official 9-5-er.
It kind of "sucks" to put it crassly. To be honest going from four years of having small 3-4 hour shifts at work and classes that lasted no more than 2.5 hours MAX (seminars) is actually pretty difficult. It takes adjustment to get used to eight hour blocks of being in one place, doing one job. And my job has no variation. Or human interaction involved. So from college classrooms full of discussion and being surrounded by people, it's been a tough transition. Also I already know I need to be around people. I am not a cubicle girl.
So this summer will be a challenge, but I guess an important adjustment too.
Then I'll run off to grad school and forget all about what it's like to work full time and have to start over in a year. I'm so practical.
Oh yeah. Grad school. Well, until very recently I had my heart set on going to UNC. But, being the number one school in the country meant they didn't NEED to offer financial aid (and didn't). So, that was a let down. Luckily (so so so luckily) The University of Pittsburgh MORE than stepped up and offered me a GREAT 6 credit merit scholarship, WITH an internship and it's a 3 semester program, done in a year which minimalizes cost of living expenses.
So I will be graduating having spent LESS than half of what it would cost (all expenses included) to go to UNC.
THAT'S something to get excited about.
And I am taking a trip there with my Dad at the end of June to find an apartment. Terrifying? YES.
But then I get to decorate.
Also, today while blissfully wasting time on the internet I discovered the "wishlist" function while looking for a way to bookmark my silly little wants. I had no idea it was actually meant to store wish items for OTHER people to buy for you!
But most of the items are SO unpractical that I don't think I could justify actually using it for that purpose- even with graduation and a birthday coming up. Not when I *should* be asking for practical things. Like... a new laptop. Ha. Mine has been begging me to let it go for my senior year. My fiance Chris has been engaged in a never ending battle to keep it going.
But what I *really* want is a parasol.
Why? Because. I have a new hobby of sorts.
Remember that long ago post from December ( about wanting to be creative and doing it in the wrong way? About getting out of hand and not being a good role model? Well I've found a better way to create amazing images, stuff that I could show to anyone.
I've been debating on how much I should say about it to be honest. I'm kind of paranoid about negative feedback, as some find me bringing it up immensely egotistical. It's totally legit and nothing to be ashamed of. I've tried few *for fun* modeling shoots. Basically I work with Photographers for free to update their portfolios. I get pretty pictures. In some cases free clothing. I don't think I'll ever have the skills, the body, or get paid so I wouldn't call myself a model per say, but I would say I've gotten involved in some hobbyist modeling- also because it's not something I'm going to do long-term/full time. But even so, I've had nothing but fun.
This is all legitimate by the way, I'm not meeting with with strange men- I'm going through legitimate, professional photographers with studios and releases. I've even gotten some professional prints. Unfortunately, I didn't know *what* to do with pictures of myself so i gave some to my grandmother on my father's side! The others are just laying around somewhere- i'm not even sure where! I'll have to up my narcissism I guess! Except... I've completely stopped wearing makeup and contacts except for shoots. I actually barely look in a mirror except to see that I'm neat and kept up enough for work. Oops.
And I never go alone even to someplace legitimate, and respected, simply because.
Example shot:

See? Nice, classy stuff.
My friend Val is a makeup artist who underwent a certificate program and is trying to get together a portfolio so these days I almost always go with her to be a model for her work because she can actually make a living off of this! And I really want to see her start getting paid and getting real clients! So for now while she's new she can count on me to model her fine make up skills!
This is probably jut a summer thing, but it's been very fun. And I'm trying to modestly and slowly let people know about it because it's starting to become something I really like.
So, that's life at the moment. Boring job, fun hobby, exciting future move.
And graduation. Oh yeah. That. I keep forgetting.
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